Saturday, August 31, 2019

Environmental issues and policies in Madagascar Essay

With the world’s population growing constantly and with human needs and desires growing pretty fast, we feel like every year there is less and less room for us to live on and it takes more and more effort for us to calmly and amicably share room and resources with our neighbors. In fact, it is too early to speak about global overpopulation, since there are still vast expanses of yet uninhabited land, to say nothing of the ability of humans, with the help of innovative technological facilities, to promptly acclimatize under extreme conditions. However, in many countries (particularly in third-world countries) some emigrational tendencies that are mostly dictated by economic and social factors, are creating quite a plausible picture of our future world, revealing the most likely and formidable phenomena we may face in future. Some large cities are experiencing serious problems related to rapidly increasing inflow of countrymen who, for various reasons, are forced to leave countryside and look for a better life in cities. Over the past few decades, most economies have been developing in such a way as to provide propitious conditions for rapid urbanization. Industrial development plus numerous revolutionary technological breakthroughs that took place in the twentieth century have resulted in the appearance of large factories. The growing demand for paid workforce has attracted country dwellers, leading to massed withdrawal of human resources from rural areas. In terms of personal affluence, the concentration of social and economic activity in the city has made urban environment more attractive and promising. Although governments of some countries have realized the danger of such economic tilts, most rural lands are still experiencing severe shortage of financial support resulting in persistent skepticism of many people about life in the countryside. It is to say, that it takes a lot of innovative thinking and political will on the part of a government to balance out the local economy, as well as the realization of the fact that harsh mandatory or administrative measures imposed on people to make them stay in rural areas alone will not suffice. It will be not before we manage to create economically healthy and prosperous environment in the village that we shall be able to speak about things in the countryside taking a turn for the better. We have considered the negative of withdrawal of human, financial, industrial and technological resources from the village from the standpoint of rural life. This long-lasting tendency seems to be making it hot for cities too. In many cities, especially in world capitals, unending inflow of immigrants seeking wealthy and prospect, has contributed to rapid and uncontrolled population growth, resulting in tough and fierce competition in the sphere of management and acute contradictions between management and hired staff, entailing collisions of interests, progressive social stratification and environmental deterioration. All this has led to a number of doubtful achievements and hazards, which appear to be making city life far less comfortable than it used to be a short while ago. Today, Mexico city is the world’s largest capital, counting about 22 million people. Mexico is a large industrial city, and it appears to be sharing the fate of most industrial centers of the world, barely coping with the influx of countrymen. The acceptance by the Mexican government of certain trading rules in line with international agreements, a paramount condition of the country’s participation in the WTO, has impacted rural economy, causing a dramatic economic collapse in the agricultural sector, resulting from the imbalance between local prices and those imposed by WTO regulations. This has triggered a new spate of internal migration from the countryside to the city. Unfortunately, problems that the city of Mexico has accumulated by now are not limited to overpopulation. It is not the overpopulation itself that poses most serious difficulties, but also ineffectual measures taken by the city government. To say the least, with the inflow so intensive and so evident, the city’s townplanning committee does not seem to be fully taking into account the migration problem, or they simply fail to keep pace with the time. The city infrastructure fails to keep up with the population increase, so people arriving in Mexico take up residence in shabby makeshift homes on the city’s outskirts or in slum districts. These districts lack water and gas supply, sewage, electricity, services, etc. , and there are no advanced waste disposal systems whatsoever. This has resulted in absolutely unfavorable environmental and epidemiologic conditions. Most of garbage and human wastes remain on or close to the surface of the earth, and large parts of it are carried by winds for miles away and into the city. Unsanctioned dumping may spoil water and cause massed poisonings or outbreaks of infection. This in turn directly affects the quality of the food, increasing the risk of its contamination with harmful substances and bacteria. There is another menacing phenomenon resulting from uncontrolled population growth and topped off by the city’s geographic position. Permanent release of carbodyoxide by factories, coupled with the release of automobile waste gases is putting the city on the brink of suffocation. Statistically, automobile emissions make up about 60% of all emissions, and, considering the increasing vehicle ownership, there seems to be no way to reduce automobile emissions. The realization that internal combustion is the greatest contributor to the accumulation of emission gases in the atmosphere has prompted automobile designers to equip vehicles with catalytic converters, but today there are too few such cars to make the effect palpable. The city is placed on a plateau fenced off with high mountain ranges. The cold air arriving from behind the mountains forms a cap over the whole valley preventing the warm and stuffed city air from getting away. This lack of natural convection contributes to the accumulation of harmful emissions in the area and may turn the whole place into a gigantic gas van. The continuing economic growth, extensive factory development and ever-growing population in Mexico City are aggravating the pollution problem. The accumulation of heavy metals in the air can undermine peoples’ health and result in serious progressive hereditary diseases, increasing the occurrence of cancer, chronic poisoning, high infant mortality, cardiovascular diseases, allergic reactions, innate orthopedic malformations, poor cognition and many other physical and mental abnormalities. Progressive intake of harmful substances directly affects the nation’s genetic makeup, and it is hardly possible now to precisely foresee all consequences of these destructive influences. Active use of depths of the earth, resulting from ever-bulging demand for minerals and oil has triggered rapid and unpredictable underground processes, resulting in unstable aquifers and causing much water to go deeper into the ground, making it less reachable. As long as the city is situated in a seismologically unstable region with an active volcano in its direct proximity, further deterioration of the bed may result in disastrous earthquakes, which, in turn, are likely to wake up the volcano and plunge the whole area into an apocalyptic calamity. Apart from the destruction of the bedrock, destruction of aquifers is fraught with the disappearance of water in some places and appearance of excessive amounts of it in others. This may cause lack of water supply and actual drying out of some areas and lead to unexpected floods elsewhere. The formation of empty spaces in the bed has caused some areas to sink significantly over the past few decades, which increases the possibility of flooding. At the same time, the emptying of the aquifers due to extraneous consumption of water by the growing city has led to a dramatic reduction of natural water resources, threatening to leave the whole city without water in the foreseeable future. According to last estimates, every second the city of Mexico takes 7,250 gallons of water, which amounts to an Olympic-size swimming pool per minute. With the consumption of water so intensive, there is a grave possibility that the amount of water remaining in the aquifers will be insufficient. Needless to say, this is much more serious a threat that inability to afford a car or a TV. In some areas, shortage of water is already tangible, and it has resulted in social upheavals. Changes in bedrock structure and the progressive subsidence of the ground can also result in the destruction of sewer and drainage systems, increasing the risk of contaminating fresh water and thus threatening to impair its quality. As we can see, all the aforementioned threats arise from one major phenomenon – overpopulation. Needless to say, increasingly intensive use of water and resources is attributable to population growth and human thirst for relative prosperity and every individual’s desire to occupy his or her niche in the booming economy. However, this brief outline of most significant problems and dilemmas shows that if we continue to use natural resources in the current fashion, the place we live in will soon become absolutely unlivable. In this respect, the city of Mexico can be presented as a small replica of our entire planet, which, with the same tendencies and phenomena persisting, will soon be confronted with similar problems. There is less and less room for industrial and vehicle emission gases and, like it is with the aquifers under Mexico city, the increasing encroachment upon minerals and oil resources is affecting the earth’s bedrock, creating pre-conditions for unpredictable and destructive earthquakes and massive destruction. With the situation so serious and menacing tendencies so evident, many governmental authorities of Mexico City, as well as state authorities express their concern about the country’s future and come up with lots of ideas, which are likely to prove helpful and effective in overcoming these negative tendencies. Whichever idea is the best, just one thing is evident today, and this is the necessity to create positive incentives and favorable conditions for people to live and work in the countryside in order to stem the growth of city population. As air quality issue appears to be the most evident one, the city government has developed a number of solutions aimed at reduction of industrial and vehicle releases into the atmosphere. By incorporating advanced technological systems and usage of higher quality fuel, it is possible to significantly improve air quality. Recently, a state-of-the-art air quality monitoring system has been implemented, so government officials and specialists have obtained control over air quality. Now every vehicle is required to feature advanced converting devices that are capable to cut down the release of toxic substances. In November 1989, the city Government introduced the so called No Driving Day (NDD), when car owners are supposed not to use their vehicles on certain days. The results of this innovation were a considerable reduction of traffic congestion and gasoline use. The use of refined types of fuel and the installation of waste gas purification and vapor recovery equipment are innovative measures regulated by the Clear Air Act Amendments of 1990. Hypothetically, these measures can be instrumental in reducing the amount of vehicle-related chemicals in the air and thus improve air quality. However, these ideas, though effective theoretically, have proven less feasible in reality. As a rule, advanced technological solutions are something than few people can afford, and most people find it less expensive to bribe authorized inspection employees and use old vehicles than purchasing new automobiles or applying expensive technologies. Not infrequently, the cost of implementing new equipment exceeds the size of fines by far, so people prefer to pay fines rather than spend money on equipment. For this reason, the results of the latest innovations have turned out to be less tangible than expected. The NDD policy has also revealed a number of unexpected actions on people’s side. Instead of increased usage of public transportation, Mexico City dwellers found a way around it by purchasing more vehicles in order to have a reserve automobile to be used on No Driving Days. Actually, this nullified the immediate positive tendencies that showed during initial stages of the NDD policy. Other attempts to limit air pollution include increased vehicle ownership taxation and boosting the price of fuels. The advocates of these measures believed that this would discourage people from using cars and thus reduce the impact on the environment. All these measures have proven less effective than expected, since most Mexico residents simply cannot afford new vehicles, to which the new regulations actually spread, and prefer to use old vehicles without having to purchase new equipment. Now, having discussed a few measures that have been taken over the last several years in an attempt to solve the ecological problem, we can see that they are not always applicable or effective. As there is just one major problem that all these issues stem from – the overpopulation – all efforts to change things for the better must be concentrated on solving overpopulation problem. Although mandatory measures, such as inspections, bans, taxation and can have a temporary effect, there is no way to achieve significant improvement in air and water quality but by using wise economical and political instruments. Once again, in order to encourage city dwellers to move to rural areas, healthy economic environment must be created in agricultural regions. This is only feasible through establishing price standards acceptable for country dwellers and creating an ample ground for agricultural business. In other words, in order to stop the growth of city population, we have to make the village no less livable than the city. Unfortunately, very little is being done to improve life in the country, since it would take a decision by the Mexican government to unilaterally withdraw from the WTO, which can entail a conflict with the USA, the founder of the WTO. Today, the Mexican government still prefers to use doubtful methods of forcing the poor to leave the city – by raiding their encampments, as it did in the late 1990s. 1. Phil Hearse. â€Å"MEXICO CITY – Environmental Crisis, Socialist Solutions. Environment and Urbanization, Vil. 11, No 1, 53-78 (1999) 2. Ramiro Tovar Landa, 1995. â€Å"Mobile Source Pollution in Mexico City and Market-Based Alternatives† Published by the Cato Institute. Editorial and business offices are located at 1000 Massachusetts Avenue, N. W. , Washington, D. C. , 20001

Symptom Recital by Dorthy Graves

In this composition I will be comparing and contrasting two poems from our love poem selections. The two poems I will be using are â€Å"Symptom Recital† by Dorothy Parker and â€Å"Symptoms of Love† by Robert Graves. These are two of the poems I found most interesting within our selections, because in both â€Å"Symptom Recital† and â€Å"Symptoms of love† both authors depict the feelings their speakers encounter with love. In these two poems the differences out weight the similarities. The differences in these poems are very noticeable.In â€Å"Symptom recital† Dorothy Parker expresses a woman’s feelings after a bad break up. Parker expresses the anguish and disgust the woman feels about herself, the hatred and the state of mind she is currently in. Parker then uses metaphors’ to express the woman’s thoughts of dismay, such as in line eleven and twelve (I’m disillusioned, empty-breasted/ for what I think I should be arr ested). These lines parker expresses that the woman is thinking horrible thoughts of herself and that these thought could be so terrible that if they were brought to the public she would most definitely be arrested.While in the previous poem we saw that Parker was expressing the ill feelings of a breakup, now in Robert Graves’s poem â€Å"Symptoms of Love† is expressing the feelings and emotions someone endures while going through love. Graves depicts the up and down emotions that love gives. The headaches because of how much the speaker cares for the other. How those headaches turn to Jealousy and nightmares. Graves expresses these in metaphors in line one and four through eight. love is a universal migraine/ Symptoms of true love/ are leanness, jealousy/ laggard dawns;/ are omens and nightmares-/ listening for a knock). In these lines Graves shows the emotions of relationships and how they all tie together in one big ball. The similarities both these poems share is t he fact that both speakers are showing emotions that come with love. Both the emotions the authors show are turmoil, whether it is while currently in the relationship like â€Å"symptom of Love† shows or after the relationship which â€Å"Symptom Recital† expresses.Both of these poems both end in a somewhat happy tune, for example in Symptom recital the whole poem is very upsetting but ends on a positive not that one day the speaker will find love again. While in â€Å"Symptoms of love† the speaker tone is of how hard it is to be in love but in the end wouldn’t do it for anyone other than the person he shares his love with. In conclusion both poems were very strong, emotion filled poems of the hardships and enjoyments of love and a relationship.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Food waste Essay

Fresh vegetables, ready-to-cook meals, and cheap meat is what a modern consumer’s supposed grocery list comprises of! Dump it all into your fridge full of deals, discount offers and feel happy. This is how the shop keeper gets a loyal customer. At the end o the story, it’s the food industry’s creed that the customer is always right†¦.. If food became it s own pungent country, it would be the world’s third biggest contributor to climatic changes. According to United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, one-third of the world’s total food is wasted around the world, literally to fork direct from the farm. In West, most of the food waste occurs because usually the leftover ingredients are tossed out. The major reason for food wastage is that the harvest of a farmer does not meet the retailer’s specific demand. Considering tomatoes, if too small or even too big to be sold to retailer will be left to rot in fields. Whilst, in developing countries the scenario is a little different because the food rots between fields and markets due to shortage of storage capacity. Awareness campaigns regarding food waste have already begun in the Western part of the world. Organizations are educating people about the waste of food at household level and how can it be eliminated or reduced to an extent. This is just the bit of the whole chunk. Even supermarkets are playing their part by producing recipes to use leftover food and pamphlets to store your food in the best possible manner. Likewise, many grocery stores have initiated redistribution of unsold stocks and excess to charitable organizations. Looking at food waste in local context, Pakistan is also the culprit for this wastage in spite of the fact that underfeeding and food shortage are areas of serious concern. Although we produce adequate food for our nation but still the wastage level is at its peak. This is because of careless attitude of our state and our society’s love for excess food. When we talk about consumption of food, negligence by society also needs to be tackled. At social events as well as weddings, it is quite usual for people to pile up a mountain of food on their plates and eat just a portion of it as if this is the last time they are eating food. Much is needed to done to store perishable items such as fruits and vegetables. State needs to look into this matter with utmost care and also to preserve grains by creating extra facility for storage purpose. On collective basis, way of thinking needs to be changed. It is not only unethical but also an act of being socially irresponsible to waste food when millions around the world sleep empty stomach. According to Tim Lang, professor at City University London, food waste is a symptom, not a problem. So to eradicate these symptom governments, non-governmental organizations like UN can discourage wasteful exercises by producers of the food, farmers, consumers and grocery stores. Food spoiling and wasting is causing physical destruction to mother earth. So let’s join hands to exterminate wastage of food for those who starve and are under privileged.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Coaching, a customized learning approach Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Coaching, a customized learning approach - Essay Example This can however change if those offering lessons, whether in an academic set-up or a workplace setup, can view themselves as coaches as opposed to just being teachers or trainers. According to Tankersley (2007), educators and trainers should act like sport coaches, whereby, instead of giving their students pens and papers to identify what they can and cannot do, they should place students in a practical environment from where they would be able to judge the skill level of each student. From the results, the teacher would then be able to guide the students in improving their weak areas. Coaching is a term mainly associated with sports, whereby it is defines as the instructional way of issuing new skills, refining old skills and building collegial relationships (Rush and Shelden, 2005). There is no clear definition of what coaching in learning or working environment is. However, different authors have offered different meaning of the term. According to Rush& Shelden (2005), coaching is a help-giving practice, which can be used within a capacity-building model to develop new skills and attain preferred life circumstances. Wilkins (2000) on the other hand defines coaching as a transformative purposeful process that focuses on equipping learners with knowledge, change, achievements and development. Flaherty (2005) reckons that coaching goes beyond having an accountability partner who supports and guides one's actions towards defines goals. Despite the different definitions, it is apparent that coaching discourages the one "size fits all" analogy and instead supports a learning environment where each learning professional is offered guidance according to his/her skill levels, deficiencies and strong areas. Coaching has three main objectives (Moran 2007). The first intends to establish a culture that recognizes teamwork as a workplace asset. This is especially so because learning is often done in a social setting and therefore requires social engagement and regeneration. The second objective seeks to develop group and individual capacity in engaging in self-reflection and creative ways of solving problems. As a result, the learners would learn to respond to challenges rather than react to the same. The third objective seeks to provide a continuum where individuals can acquire and share specific knowledge, proficiencies and strategies. The development and Evolution of Coaching The 1990s marked a time when coaching exploded into the business world. In the previous decade, the idea to create a process that would increase an individual's ability to assume effective leadership as opposed to the one-time training offered in most workplaces became an important way of learning on the job (Goldsmith & Lyons, 2005). The idea however gained popularity in the 1990's. However, coaching has always been a part of human history. The art of helping people discover their potential can be traced back to theorists such as Alfred Adler and Carl Jung (Williams, 2005). Adler encouraged people under his guardianship to set goals, plan and invent a future that they desired. Jung on the other hand, believed that people could create their futures by envisioning the same and leading a purposeful life. In 1951, Carl Rogers published the book "Client Centered Therapy", which not

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Business 101 - Assignment Questions Research Paper

Business 101 - Assignment Questions - Research Paper Example In the capitalism context, making profits is the key motive of operation. Under capitalism, resources are privately owned, and so are the implications of the underlying activities (Rae & Hill, 2010). To the businesses, these rights and freedoms come at price. Capitalism makes business owners accountable to the society and to the market economy in which they conduct their business. Pollution, taxation, and social responsibility are other key aspects that make business owners hate capitalism. Most importantly, capitalism encompasses business competition, a critical factor that determines the success or failure of a business. Demand line shows the quantity of a product that would be bought at a given price level. In this respect, changes in market demand will affect quantity of a product demanded in that market. Desirable products correspond to high quantities of demand, and vice versa (McEachern, 2012). on the same note, changes in price affect the quantity demanded of a product. The same principle applies as far as paper and related products are concerned. A demand line shift to the left for paper follows the above-discussed principle. This move represents a scenario where paper would become a less desirable product. The less desirable a product becomes, the lower the quantity demanded and subsequently bought of that product. The demand line, therefore, would shift to the left to represent a decline in the quantity demanded of paper at a given price level. A left shift in demand line, therefore, is negative. It is attributed to reduced paper demand and a subsequent decline in the price level. Business entities are required to comply with relevant rules, regulations, or laws. In particular, taxation is a fundamental practice in the economic setting. Federal taxes apply to incorporated business entities, which are treated as separate taxable business entities. In other words,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Using Force Against Civilians in Time of Civil Unrest Research Paper

Using Force Against Civilians in Time of Civil Unrest - Research Paper Example On the same note, the participation of civilians in such activities continues to take new directions every single day, and so have their rights. Nations around the world address the issue of civil unrests differently, based on their legal systems and the extent to which civil rights are observed. In some countries, use of force against civilians during such times is a normal phenomenon, while in others, force against civilians constitute a crime against the civilians. Sweden is no exception in the civil unrest pursuit. For Sweden, use of force against civilians in times of civil unrest is against the law. The provisions of the law strictly require upholding of human rights even in times of civil unrest (EPL 111). This is due to the fact that there are causes behind the observed situation during such times. In my country, civil unrests are addressed with regard to the cause and aspect within which they occur. Civil unrest as aforementioned can result from cultural, social, economic or political aspects within the country. Whatever the cause or aspect of occurrence, Sweden requires that civilians be handled humanely. This does not mean that the civilians can act in any way they feel like. Arrests and charges are provided for by the law (U.S Congress 2187). My country holds that acting forceful against the civilians is only likely to worsen the situation. With this in mind, the region within which Sweden is found becomes directly involved. Civil unrests that have previously been experienced in Sweden have not only affected Sweden as a country, but also the surrounding nations in that region. This situation has previously proven to be one that can ruin international relations. However, in the recent times, Sweden remains free of civil unrests, thereby enhancing regional and international relationships. Civil unrests and use of force against civilians is a situation that is also accounted for by the United Nations (UN). The UN monitors civil activities in all member states, and gets directly involved in issues that apply to its jurisdiction. The UN involvement comes if the country fails to control persistent civil unrest (Michael 83). Basically, civil groups work hand in hand with the government to resolve civil disputes if any. UN talks and engagement comes in when that process fails to realize the desired outcome. My country welcomes UN involvement in all aspects that fall under its legislature. Sweden being a UN member is subject to UN directives and regulations. In line with observing her position on use of force against civilians, Sweden also observes the UN provisions on the same. Human rights are central to Sweden’s bid to deal with civil unrest while avoiding force against the civilians (Thorsten, Stephan & Philipp 76). Resolution Paper Bearing in mind that contemporary civil issues are diverse and dynamic over time, it is important for Sweden and the UN at large to account for this ever changing trend. In so doing, the liberty of a country, and its position in the UN remains strategic, prior to the relationship that should prevail between the states that make up the UN, Alarmed by the fact that use of force against civilians is inhumane in Sweden, the position of the UN in getting involved in such matters in Sweden should remain within that provision, uninfluenced by the practices undertaken in other member states during similar times of civil unrest, Seeking reforms is

Monday, August 26, 2019

Llustrate how property and motor vehicle insurance impact your Speech or Presentation

Llustrate how property and motor vehicle insurance impact your financial resources - Speech or Presentation Example Consequently, establishing this fact enables an individual to choose an apposite venture that suites his/her risk orientation. Evidently, the above couple requires a low risk venture. However, such investment has minimal returns. Appraising of a venture’s risks constitutes budgeting of investments. Diverse investments have differing risks. Thus, it is essential to manage risk associated with the each venture. For an investor to optimize benefits emanating from funds committed, it is indispensable to manage the investments as they progress (Stone, 2011). Secondly, an investment strategy ought to stipulate the relevant undertakings required to ensure realization of the venture objectives. Accordingly, Mr. and Mrs. Garner should budget their finances appropriately. This ensures they have enough net revenue that will finance the venture they seek to undertake to support retirement and college for their sibling (Besley & Brigham, 2007). Thirdly, budgeting will permit the couple to establish an investment strategy. This policy will avail prior familiarity to the couple on suitable investments. Mr. and Mrs. Garner will realize the apt strategy they require to institute to have adequate finances to invest. Mr. and Mrs. Garner should choose a venture that extends over a prolonged period. The couple seeks to invest in a plan that will finance their departure from employment. Such an investment will require budgeting to enable the couple to avail funds at apt durations. The couple ought to enrol into a retirement fund. The scheme subtract the funds required to fund the plan prior to the member receives the salary. Consequently, the couple will not default payment of the investment subscription. Budgeting is critical in investment planning since it enables the financier to avail funds timely. Finally, an investment strategy should adopt a means to appraisal of ventures. As such, the couple can monitor the progress of the venture.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Propaganda Poster Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Propaganda Poster - Essay Example The poster â€Å"The Greatest Mother in the World† is aimed at raising funds. The central image depicted on the paper is a woman dressed in the gown of the Red Cross nurse. She points at people depicted in the right corner. There is also a significant object which is located beside the woman: the red cross. At the bottom of the poster there is a red line and inscription in big white letters â€Å"WAR FUND 1943†. At the top of the page there is the following inscription â€Å"The Greatest Mother in the World†. There are also smaller objects which, nevertheless, should be regarded as important details. For instance, there are several aircrafts above the people. It goes without saying that every detail, every object depicted and even the choice of color should be regarded as meaningful points since they help to convey certain idea or ideas. In the first place, it is necessary to point out that white and light blue colors prevail. These colors convey the idea of hope and good. People depicted at the bottom of the picture are rendered in dark colors. These are ordinary people who seek for help since they are in constant danger. The use of red color is used to achieve several goals. First, the Red Cross is a symbol of an institution which helps people in need. On the other hand, red color attracts people’s attention, and the most important information is depicted in the red line. People see that the poster â€Å"advertises† certain campaign held to raise funds for the Red Cross or, more generally, for those in need. As far as the central image is concerned it is necessary to note that the woman can be regarded as the personification of appeal and compassion. The woman’s facial expressions leaves no doubt that she needs help of each viewer. Interestingly, the woman is beautiful and she has make-up on her face. McEuen (2011) pays much attention to female appearance in the posters and claims that American posters revealed women who could not only take care about others but could be active enough to take care of themselves. The woman points out at the people who are waiting for help. Her posture is very informative as well, she is leaning and this also enhances the idea of appeal. People at the bottom of the poster are not depicted in detail. This is rather a crowd. They hardly have faces because the poster’s designer stresses that there are many people in need. This impersonal depiction of people enhances the idea of quality: there too many people, so only the entire nation can help all those who suffer from the war. As far as the Red Cross is concerned it is depicted to inform people of the way their help will reach those in need. Thus, those who donate can understand that they assist the Red Cross, internationally acknowledged institution. Admittedly, the designer of the poster uses all these visual tools to persuade people to donate in order to help unfortunate people. For instance, the woman dep icted is a kind of an angel who comes from heaven to help people, but still asks for help since there is too much evil. Another informative image does not attract so much of attention, but it creates the necessary atmosphere. Thus, the aircrafts depicted convey the idea of threat over people exposed to the horrors of war. It is necessary to point out that such symbolism is very appealing and the poster reaches its major aims. Sometimes propaganda posters

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Reaction to Karen Pykes Article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reaction to Karen Pykes Article - Essay Example Within these three factors, what become apparent are the immigrants high regard for the culture which is dominant in the society. Their picture of what is "ideal" and "normal" family becomes synonymous with that of the North American family as seen in popular media and their American peers. On the other hand, the family ideology of the minority like Koreans and Vietnamese is seen as deficient. The study reveals the preference of the immigrants to have a more Americanized family than stick with their own family ideologies. It should be noted that almost all the interviewees express their predilection for more sensitive, open communication, flexibility, and forgiveness among family members. Their traditional family values like role prescriptions, family obligations, hierarchical relations, and lack of emotional expressiveness are seen are hindrances in attaining rapport among family members. Given a chance to change their families, Koreans and Vietnamese immigrants want their parents to be less strict and give them more freedom, more open-minded and less traditional, and more expressive. As mentioned above, it can be seen that this perception of the normal and ideal family stems from the hegemony of the American culture in the society where they belong. However, Pyke also notes that even though Koreans and Vietnamese immigr

Friday, August 23, 2019

Why people volunteer in their community Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Why people volunteer in their community - Essay Example In fact, studies such as those by Serow (1991) and Bussell & Forbes (2002), which investigated the many ulterior motives for involvement in community services, reveal that people volunteer out of both altruistic as well as self-centered motives. The welfare and service of others lies at the heart of any volunteering act. People actively participate in community services to obtain self-satisfaction and pleasure, which is addictive! Volunteering to participate in community activities is considered an act of charity. Studies that used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to study changes in brain activity reveal that the centers of the brain which are stimulated when a person receives a reward or experiences pleasure are also activated when a person gives charity (Oppenheimer and Olivola 6). Another study by Meier and Stutzer (2008, qtd. in Oppenheimer and Olivola) suggests that volunteering increases well-being and â€Å"overall life satisfaction† (6). It is thus evident that volunteering is pleasurable and increases satisfaction, which is why people often engage in it. People also volunteer in community service to benefit professionally or educationally. Several business organizations such as Bain & Company promote or organize community services to introduce employees to â€Å"fresh ideas and new people† (â€Å"Community Volunteering†). Employees of such organizations participate voluntarily or involuntarily, as they cannot risk avoiding the company’s mandates. Students also volunteer in community activities to add weight-age to their college applications or get a scholarship. Scholarships such as the Prudential Spirit of Community Awards and the Samuel Huntington Public Service Award are exclusively awarded based on the candidates’ participation in community services and volunteering activities (â€Å"Community Service Scholarships†). It can be stated that some people volunteer to â€Å"gain an advantage† at a place of work

Thursday, August 22, 2019

DQ's 10 & 9 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

DQ's 10 & 9 - Essay Example Considering only diagnose and design model elements, explain how you as a manager would assist the team or group of employees starting the change management process regarding a specific process at work. Ans.: There is no ‘one-fit-for-all’ approach in formulating a change management strategy though each proposed management change is expected to be successful. Given only diagnose and design model elements to work on, a Manager can help introduce and manage the change by knowing the characteristics of this change like its purpose, scope, time frame, its possible effects on the impacted group, etc. Second, he must have prepared tactical solutions addressing anticipated resistance like communication and education. â€Å"From an individual level especially if these changes bring fear of the unknown, threat to one’s security, cause threat to economic stability and cause selective information processing to keep perception clear. On the organizational level, resistance to change may be caused by structural and group inertia, threat to expertise, threat to established power relationship and the limited focus of change in the organization whereby other subsystems will be declared obsolete or ineffectual† (Robbins & Judge, 2013, p. 580). Ans.: Diversity plays a major role in managing change in an organization. According to Robbins & Judge, this may be categorized to be â€Å"surface-level diversity (referring to thoughts and feelings) or a deep-level diversity which differentiate individuals through their inner self, inner values or their personalities, in general† (Robbins, 2013, p.42). â€Å"Contributing to the diversity are the following: age, country of origin, race, ethnicity, religion, physical abilities and sexual orientation, among others† (p.43). Components of diversity pose a greater and significant challenge for company leaders. Ans.: To achieve effective work diversity,

Result of Evas Story Essay Example for Free

Result of Evas Story Essay ohn Boynton Priestley was born in 1894 and died in 1984. He was famous for contemplating science and philosophy, and wrote many plays to put forward his socialist views. An Inspector Calls was one of these, and is about a wealthy upper-middle class family, the Birlings, and how their views on living change as a result of a visit from an inspector. The main characters are the Birlings, Inspector Goole and Eva Smith. Arthur Birling is a successful businessman; his wife, Sybil, is very pretentious; and their rather peculiar son, Eric, is an alcoholic. Erics sister, Sheila, has recently engaged to Gerald Croft, a gentleman of a slightly higher social class than the Birlings Mr. Birling feels a little inferior because of this. We do not know a lot about the Inspector he is given an air of mystery and importance but it is possible that he could be an apparition of some kind or perhaps a figure to represent Priestleys own views. Eva Smith is an absent character who nevertheless plays a huge part in the storyline. The play takes place solely in the dining room of the Birlings house, which is heavily comfortable but not homelike. This unified setting is beneficial in many ways. One thing is that it lowers the costs and requirements of the production of the play, meaning that it can be performed in a wider variety of settings and therefore be shown to more people. In addition, the audience will focus on the actors and the plot rather than the set so much if it does not keep changing, which helps retain attention to the play. The play begins as Gerald Croft and the Birlings are celebrating as a family Sheila Birling and Geralds engagement, when the evening is interrupted by the arrival of Inspector Goole. The Inspector tells them the story of the tragic suicide of a young girl, whose name is Eva Smith, but she calls herself Daisy Renton after Mr. Birling sacks her, as an attempt to make a fresh start. He forces them to see how each of the people present contributed to her taking her own life by swallowing disinfectant. Gradually, he picks away at the protective, self-satisfied shell that the Birlings have built up around themselves, and eventually manages to pull apart the whole sense of the family. He then exits, leaving them to blame each other and argue amongst themselves. The play was written in 1945 but is set in 1912. I think this is to emphasise the point that rich people are not always right, as Mr. Birling in particular makes several predictions that we, as the audience, know to be incorrect. For example, he says, Youll hear some people say that wars inevitable. And to that I say fiddlesticks! and There isnt a chance of war. However, we know that two years later, WWI began. He speculates about Sheila and Geralds future In twenty or thirty years time lets say, in 1940 you may be giving a little party like this your son or daughter might be getting engaged and I tell you, by that time youll be living in a world thatll have forgotten all these silly war scares. This is ironic because in fact in 1940 WWII took place. He also makes predictions about labour struggles when he says, theres a lot of wild talk about possible labour trouble in the near future. Dont worry. Weve passed the worst of it, and the Titanic, as he says, Unsinkable, absolutely unsinkable, both of which we know are wrong. Mr. Birling is confident about all of these predictions, but we know how wrong he is. This is an example of dramatic irony, and I think J.B. Priestley used it to great effect in portraying Mr. Birling as someone who is entirely ignorant about what the future holds, though the other characters are unaware of this. In Act One, the family is celebrating the engagement of Sheila and Gerald. Sheila is presented as excitable and eager to please her family and Gerald: after she has received her ring she says, (excited) Oh its wonderful! Look Mummy isnt it a beauty? Oh darling (She kisses Gerald hastily.) She is also rather materialistic, as the stage directions, (still admiring her ring) imply, though she still shows empathy and compassion towards Eva SHEILA: (Rather distressed) Sorry! Its just that I cant help thinking about that girl destroying herself so horribly.  She plays up to Gerald, saying, Oh is it the one you wanted me to have? and I think this suggests that she wants to keep on everyones good side, and avoid any conflict. She behaves in the same way to her parents, meekly saying, Im sorry, Daddy. Actually I was listening.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Role Of Culture In Food And Eating Habits Media Essay

Role Of Culture In Food And Eating Habits Media Essay The importance of food can be attributed to the fact that it is one of the most necessary and significant aspect of human life for its survival and well-being (Asp, 1999). Though the main function of food is to serve as an answer to hunger or physiological reasons, it also facilitates the process of security, status, emotions and influencing behavior (Hart et al., 2002). Food also serves as a symbol of social acceptance, friendliness (Cope, Frewer, Houghton, Rowe, Fisher and de Jonge, 2010). In a study by Mckenzie in 1986, he demonstrated that certain food choices define the level of group acceptance, societal prestige and allegiance. Food has various symbolic meanings attached to it, especially amongst Indian societies like cultural identity, religious functions, economic wealth and status, as well as expression of power (Hill, 2002). Eating and food habits relates to the persons history from the time of birth (MacFarlane, A., Crawford, D., Ball, K., Savige, G., and Worsley, A., 2007). With the cultural symbolism attached to foods, eating habits are usually passed on to children from a very young age, so that they can know what is good for them and what is not (hart, Bishop and Truby, 2002). Also, certain eating habits are related to traditional and familial sentiments and hence become a centric part of a persons life ( Remick, Pliner and Mclean, 2009). The food habits define a persons personality based on that persons traditional and cultural pattern (Barclay, Gilbertson, Marsh and Smart, 2010). The role of acculturation in food choices amongst international students Acculturation can be defined as process in which there is cultural and psychological change as a result of interaction between two different cultures (Sam and Berry, 2010). Present day researchers view acculturation as an on-going process which does not end by the dominant culture absorbing the traits of the minority (dela Cruz, Padilla and Agustin, 2000). According to different theoretical framework of acculturation, it is believed that over time the behavior, attitudes and habits of the immigrant population will get molded to portray the population that they have entered (Berry, Phinney, Sam and Vedder, 2006). The migrants step foot into the new culture with certain pre-formed assumption and their process of adjustment is characterized by the presence of essential elements of their culture as well as some of the new culture (Landrine and Klonoff, 2004). The process of acculturation related to food and eating habits is rather complex, usually involving a transitory phase between traditional habits and symbols to the ones related to the new culture (Unger et al., 2004). The immigrants food and eating behavior is influenced due to the differences in the types of food available and the change is usually brought about by modifying or substituting the diet (dela Cruz, Padilla and Agustin, 2000). Factors ranging from eating patterns, food selection and preparation, traditional beliefs of the immigrants, which can be influenced due to ethnicity, length of stay, socio-economic status, knowledge and skills, bring to light the varying levels of acculturation (Barry, 2001). Also, the change in the eating habits of the immigrants can be traced as early as the post First World War era, when people started moving to and from different parts of the world (Escobar and Vega, 2000). These group of immigrants took with them their traditional eating hab its, even established their own shops and restaurants, in the new culture, but the pressure of change faced by them eventually resulted in them having to alter their traditional ways of diet (Gans, 1997). Renowned anthropologist, Sidney Mintz (1994) argues about the change in traditional habits which was due to a shift from core-fringe-legume-pattern to those which have excess sugars and fats. He says that due to the presence of certain food options easily accessible than other, the immigrant groups find themselves taking those options like that of Coca-Cola. There have been some studies done on the effect of immigration on the dietary changes of these groups. These studies found that in certain groups, food habits formed the last aspect to undergo change while in a few there was a large degree of change that happened fast (Schmidt, 2005). In a study by Lundkvist et al., (2010), they talk about immigrants in European countries trying new foods during the early years of their stay, however a complete change in eating habits is not seen until late. There was a gradual change in the eating habits of these groups over years. In another separate study by Jallinoja et al., (2010) showed the degrees of variation in which these immigrant groups take up dietary changes and that in turn affecting their health. Also, it said that the varying degrees of acculturation usually differ with age, with the younger people more susceptible to change quicker than older ones. Conevey and ODwyer (2009) reported in their study about the varied popularity of specific foods amongst different ethnic groups. They found that chicken was popular amongst people of Indian ethnic origin in the United Kingdom. The difference was not much in nutritional value but in the levels of spices and flavorings, methods of cooking and accompanying dishes. Also, they pointed out a gradual decrease over time in this groups consumption of raw fruits and vegetables because of food safety issues. These studies bring to light the fact that acculturation of the immigrant groups depends on their cultural values, which can result in a gradual or rapid change. Acculturation studies on Indian students There are about 428, 225 international students in the United Kingdom and 39,090 students out of which are of Indian origin (UKCISA, 2011). India is the second most number of students coming in this country, only behind China (UKCISA, 2011). These Indian students come here to study in the colleges and universities. The immigration of the Indian students have picked up over the past 10 years, with a steady growth of 1.5% seen every year (UKCISA, 2011). In a study done by Hill (2002) on the food and eating habits of Asian students, reported that a large proportion of them gradually changed from being vegetarians to non-vegetarians over a period of five years post immigration. He also found that those students who stay for longer were more likely to undergo acculturation than those who are exposed to the new culture for a shorter duration. Fjellstrom (2004) reported that the acculturation of dietary habits in Asian students in the United Kingdom was evident from modification of food patterns, changing over to non-vegetarians from vegetarians as well their preference traditional or new cuisines Harvey et al., studied the relation between the length of stay in the United Kingdom and the food habits amongst Indian students. They found that those students who had been here for less than 2 years preferred non-traditional foods and those who have been living longer reported eating their traditional food more often. It was also seen that Asian students in the United Kingdom prefer to have traditional diet in social gatherings with other Asian students, where as the non-traditional foods formed a part of their typical daily diet (Mestdag, 2005). These above mentioned studies offer and insight towards the significant impact of acculturation towards food habits amongst Asian students. However, there have been very little research thus far on the food habits of Indian students in the United Kingdom. Role of culture in Food and Eating habits Nutrition, appetite, cultural and social context are seen as important factors affecting food and health choices (Locher, Yeols,Maurer and can Ellis, 2005).cultural representations is one of the main factors that is associated with food habits, which gets expressed in the type of food preferred by the groups(Seigworth, 2000). These cultural representations have been shown to determine the food, their handling and processing into acceptable and those that are not (Delind, 2006). McGinnis (1999) in his study talked about impact the culture-specific perceptions of food and eating habits on acculturation. Murcott (1982) had examined the British perception towards food, which suggested the way in which this affected dietary changes. She reported the difference in the symbolic nature of meals, i.e. cooked or proper meal, wherein a proper meal was characterized by consisting of meat and two kinds of vegetables, without any accompanying sides. She said that to the British women it signified the most important meal of the day, essential to be healthy and that it is be taken at home, thereby to light the meanings and ideas related to food and healthy habits. Hill (2012) reported in his study that people attached different cultural reasons to their food habits. He said that food habits can relate to a number of reasons ranging from nutrition, maintain social status, dealing with stress and tension, influencing behaviors and religious expressions. There is also separate belief that even though peoples food habits is largely individualistic, there is a degree of association to the cultural beliefs of what is acceptable and which are not (Barreiro-Hurlà ©, J., Gracia, A., and de  Magistris, T., 2010). In a separate story, Rozin (2005) mentions different determinants for food behavior and that culture and beliefs was one of them. He also said that cultural patterns was related to certain environmental conditions like geographical conditions, food availability and that social patterns were related to the support structure around in the form of friends and family. The food and eating habits of immigrations student showed an attachment towards transitional diet patterns, which served as psychological support during acculturations (Durant, 2011). Qualitative and Quantitative research have been used to understand food and eating habits, with quantitative research including linear measures to assess change and qualitative research used to understand peoples perceptions and attitudes (Bonnekessen, 2010). It was seen in qualitative study that female students tend to categorize foods into healthy and un-healthy ones, with the unhealthy option signifying the cause of increase in weight, depression, independence and the healthy options to indicate well-being, familial connections (Michels and Wolk, 2002). It has been seen that the food habits of Indian students are affected by various factors like culture, economic status, attitudes and knowledge and that are different based on the region, caste and socio-economic status (Guthman, 2008). Also in the context of Indian cultural beliefs, food is often considered as a source of pleasure and happiness and cooking as an important aspect of daily life (Brunner, Horst and Seigrist, 2010). F ood always has played an important part in the Indian culture, with eating and food habits dominating a major part of the life (Murcott, 2000). The Indian cuisine involves a complex process of preparation with consideration towards flavor, taste, color and spice contents, which epitomizes the Indian way of eating; and its way of preparation and enjoyment makes it a unique food culture (Edwards, Meiselman, Ragunathan and Lesher, 2003). One of the most important part of an Indian diet is rice, which is essential and important in their daily diet (Mckevith, 2004). A meal in the Indian culture symbolizes the occasion of family togetherness, where the whole family including the relatives and friends come together, making it an important sociable event (Christakis, 2010). The traditional daily meal usually would consist of the breakfast, lunch and dinner, wherein, the dinner forms the most important meal of the day (Meiselman, 2008). These presents a picture in which one can assume that acculturation and changing food habits for Indian students in the United Kingdom would be a difficult process, considering the cultural values and the knowledge and attitudes. Research has also shown that dietary changes can also be resultant of certain food availability, prices, peer pressure and new types of food (Benson et al., 2008). In order to study the acculturation amongst Indian students in Leeds Metropolitan University, the Food Patterning model (Mishra et al., 2006) and Trends theory (Berghofer, 2005). The Food Patterning model states that changes in diet is a two way process, one which persuades an individual to continue with the traditional form of diet and other opposing that state (Mishra et al., 2006). This model illustrates the association of foods to different cultural context, wherein the change in food habits runs parallel to an expanse between identity and taste as its end markers. According to Mishra et al. (2006), the process of meal composition by an immigrant involves a mix of traits of traditional foods along with those from the new culture, thereby indicating an effort to strike a balance between traditional identity and new taste. Also, they believed that even though the immigrants primarily donot change their traditional diet pattern, however it is not the same as before they came here. Berghofer (2005) in his study pertaining to acculturation process in immigration students, talks about two specific trends that are used by the students to understand dietary changes. One of which, termed as the secular trend involves understanding the change process as beneficial towards better western diet however, the other trend, termed as victims of progress trend, says that the change to westernized diet is not beneficial. However, as mentioned by Berghofer, the distinction between the advantages and disadvantages are more complicated and the study of acculturation rarely points out specifically to the benefits or shortcomings. These theories and models bring about certain interesting perspective about the acculturation process of the Indian students. In a study, it was seen that the immigrant students adopted new British foods like sweets, cakes while avoiding meats, beef (De Castro, 2009). In a separate study, it was reported that the male students lack of cooking skills due to the fact of not having cooked in India was one of the factors leading to change in food and eating habits (Shetty, 2010). Also, it showed that the increased Westernization of the diet amongst Indian students is seen as one of the factors for higher risk from chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes, heart disease (Shetty, 2010). So, based on these studies, one can argue that if these students fall on the Berghofers (2005) Victims of progress trend, as the change in dietary habits has been seen to lead to deterioration of their health status. These provided an useful insight in the acculturation process of the Indian students in Leeds Metropolitan University, considering the involvement of a wide variety of factors.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Culture Practice Of Vani

The Culture Practice Of Vani Culture is the systems or way of life, which is shared by a large number of people. In culture, some practices and activities create the social differences with other social group. Actually the culture is total of activities, and material or spiritual things. It is basically the logical and self made system of value belief as well as set of practice which become their characteristic and move over time to time or generation to generation. It also gives to individual identity and become the part of that culture. (Stavenhagen. R, 1998) The tradition is inheriting elements of culture which move one generation to another. Actually tradition is set of customs or practices, which are regularly, perform in our daily life and which support the people in every circumstances that how they can spend their life. (Stavenhagen. R, 1998) In every culture the tradition and practices are link every one life and dominating their every part of life like birth, marriages death ceremony etc. In Pakistani culture there are some tradition related to marriage are exists like watta satta, Karo Kari, vani, Swara etc.(à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Vani is a Pashto word derived from Vanay which stands for blood. Vani is culture practice which is very common in Pashtoon families. This cruel custom also practices in Punjab especially in Mianwali and neighboring areas, which becomes there social norm. Mianwali is a region in the north-west of Punjab province, in Pakistan. (Hashmi, A. Koukab, 2004) According to vani it is the method of resolving disputes like Qatal and Zana and settling debts between families and tribes. According to this a custom, female who is the member of criminal males family are married or given to the victims family as a compensation of his sin. These decisions are often final by a Jirga. (Chaudhry.R, 2006). In phaktoon family, girls are given Vani marriage for as compensation of murder, adultery, abduction and kidnapping which is committed by the men of the family. (Usafzai , Ali. Z. 2004) In the tribes vani is practice, which has no written rules and regulation. In vani, If one family or tribe of a village kills member of other family or tribe, then the criminal family or tribe offer a girl or woman to the aggrieved family to settle the enmity.( Khattak, R. 2009). Vani Tradition is an old age tradition. This tradition started almost 400 years ago when two Pathan tribes of Mianwali fought a bloody war. During the war approximately 800 people were killed. At that time Nawab of Tank tried to solve the problem. He called the Girga (jirga) who decided that girls are given as Qisas. Later on this decision became a custom which passed over generation to generation. This tradition is practiced in different areas of Sindh, Punjab and NWFP. (Hashmi, A. Koukab, 2004) These marriages are known as Vani, Sakh, Sawara, Sharam, Khoon Baha, and Sang Chatti with the difference of languages in different areas. (Zofeen T. E, 2006) In Punjab it is known as Vani, Sindh it is known as Sang Chati, Baluchistan it is known as Ijai, and NWFP it is known as Swara. These are an original means of different dispute resolution instrument. (Ramzan, I. 2009) The custom and tradition are unwritten and there are no hard and fast rules. So vani has practice in different ways. Mostly the vani decision is made according to the nature of crime. Hidden vani is the kind of vani when some kind of crime done for which both families are not wanted to open it for the sake of honour then it is done. It is type of secret vani. Mostly these issues are zana either zina bil jabar or zana bill raza. In this type of cases female indirectly convince the male for the particular proposal. (Salamat, R.2007). The second kind of vani which is done in front of tribe, in this case the decision is made by jirga. Mostly the decisions are done according to effected family will. (Salamat, R.2007). In vani custom the relation are decide at the time of decision in Punchayat that can be nikah, engagement or ruksati. In engagement the decision of vani women and men are decide and ruksati are decided later according to both party will. Mostly this decision is done when girls are minor or not born but their decision of marriage is done. In second type of vani is that nikah are done immediately in jirga. This decision is done when severe kind of dispute is between two families. That time parents and no one has permission to delay the nikah. In mostly cases the father or brother accepts the nikah on the behalf of girl. Immediately departure of bride it also part of vani. In some cases the bride leave parents home immediately after the decision of vani and in some cases the day and month of departure are decided in jirga and according to the decision the departure are done. (Salamat, R.2007) In some cases money and property is also given to the victim family with the women. This happen mostly in the cases of long term enmity. Secondly when rich families give vani to poor family then for the betterment of their girl criminal families give property or money to effected family. (Salamat, R. 2007) In the tribal area Vani is performed as beneficial instrument because this practice is resolve the dispute and tie the enemy in strong relation which never breaks again. When there is enmity between two families and tribes due to any reason then people of both tribes arrange the marriage for the sake of new and strong relation. The criminal party accepts crime and gives her female to other party, through giving female to his family is compensation of sin and aggrieved party forgive them. In simple word the girl is used for compensation. (Salamat, R. 2007). The main thinking behind vani is that in dispute effected family actually loss their hounor because of criminal party. Women are consider the hounor of family in that tribal areas so effected party take women of effected family as compensation. So through women actually they return their hounor. (Salamat, R. 2007). According to Islamic law of Qisas and Diyat, in compensation (Badal-i-Sulh)of murder , the criminal paid or given to a Wali, cash or in the form of moveable or movable property, which done according to mutual willingness of both parties and Shariah.( Chaudhry, Sharif, M. 1993). But in vani practice women give to another party as compensation. The some people are poor when they murder some one, then it is impossible for them to pay the Qisas and Diyat. So they give them women for compensation without money. Actually it is wrong. It is done to save the money and property, Due to materialistic world now a day even rich people of tribal areas also give the women as vani and save their money and property. (Salamat, R. 2007). According to vani custom the any girl and women of criminal party accept as vani but in community the custom are not like this. There are some proffered girls or women for compensation purpose. These are sister, daughter, daughter of brother; etc if girl of that criminal party is not available then they can buy the girl and give effected family. But mostly it is preferred that the girl and women are kid of that criminal person or group. In the effected family male member are also required for marriage purpose. There is no specification for male or bride groom. On effected side male can be brother, son, father etc. Mostly that person is chosen who are older, abnormal and those by whom marriage is not possible. (Salamat, R. 2007). It is inhuman and unislamic practice that is violates of women basic human right. It is cruel meanness towards women, treating them as a property and cattle that is used to settle disputes. Women pay for that crime which she never did. This tribal tradition makes the life of thousands of girls a living hell. (Ehsan A. 2006). Violence against women through customary practice like Vani, Watta satta, hounor killing, exists in Pakistan, Which was creating serious disorder in the society and exploit the women life. These practice is become the social norms, Like Vani marriages has become as a social norm in tribal areas of Pakistan. (Hashmi, A. Koukab, Mushtaq. R, 2004). These practice are continuously practice, in 2008 in Pakistan 50 cases of vani are done and under the jirga system and 210 cases of forced marriages are registered. (Awan. A, Z. 2009). Vani is a pre-Islamic tradition which has no scope in Islam. These practices must be condemned and punished. Vani is also against the teachings of Islam. In Islam all marriage prohibited which done under any kind of pressure. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) has at many examples to stop such kind of marriages. These marriages were known as Sabaya, which is practice in the days of Jahiliya (ignorance). In which Arabs used to capture the ladies of enemy and beaten after the battle. Vani is also the example of that marriage in two manners. A woman is married without her consent and punished for that crime which she never committed. Which is restrict in Islam(à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. In Islam there is no discrimination between persons on the basis of gender, color, race, nationality, wealth, etc. only the superiority of a person is base on justice, and moral excellence. So how it is possible, that any person exploited the womens life on the name of custom is Islamic practice. Islam gives women respect, honor, right to inherit property, to marry anyone with their own choice and the right to divorce. (à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. According to Islamic law a punishment should have four characteristics. It should be disciplinary, retributive, reformative and a limit. But vani has not any of these characteristic, because criminal himself goes free and innocent girl pay their unlimited cost. In Islam, there is no clear responsibility that every person must bear the burden of his/her own actions, and in Islam no concept of women gives as compensation in Badal-i-Sulh. It violates the law of Qisas and Diyat. (Anis, F. 2003) According to Universal Declaration of Human Rights in article 1 that all human being born free and equal right and dignity, but the vani practice is direct conflict with it 1 article. In vani practice the girl punished for those act which she never did. She is also born free and equal right like men. But she exploited in the hand of men and become commodity. As a human being she is free for take any decision, but in vani without her consent she gets marries with any person for revival. Article 16 of Universal Declaration of Human Right, that there is no limitation for any men and women to marry and form a family. Without any discrimination of race, nationality or religion they can enjoy their marriage and family. There is free full consent for both men and women to choose their spouse. But in vani neither the men consent is asked or nor the women consent for marriage. Both men and women force to marrying to end of enmity. (Hashmi, A. Koukab, 2004) The vani practice is also violates the constitutional law. Like in vani women liberty and mobility are restricted but in Article 9 of the Constitution are guarantees that any person whether men and women has freedom of liberty. It also violates Article 4 of the Constitution that guarantees that every citizen has full right to enjoy the protection of the law but in vani practice law dont support her. It has declared in Supreme Court that vani custom un-Islamic and unconstitutional under the Constitution of 1973. (Chaudhry, M.G. Ulfat, A. 2007) Pakistan is the member of CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women) which work to protect the women from discrimination, violence against women and protect their rights. In article 16 of CEDAW in which stated that all parties shall take all proper step to eliminate discrimination against woman in all matters relating to marriage and family relations and ensure, on a basis of equality of men and women. In this article man and women both has right to enter in marriage and freely chosen the spouse. But in vani practice there are no concept consent and equal right for marriage. Women oppress for marriage by father, brother or other male member of society. (Hashmi, A. Koukab, 2004) Vani is illegal practice. In 2002, the Chief Justice of Pakistan declared vani as un-Islamic practice. In March 2004 a press reports of the Law and Justice Commission stated that, All people who include in vani decision must be punished. The Commission also came with a draft amendment to article 366-C of the Pakistan Penal Code. According to it: Those entire person who take part in the decision of vani whether any person to offer or accept of women as vani, or whether the part of Punchayat they shall be punished in jail. Which is minimum 3 year or it can exceed 10 years and also liable to a fine. Whether it is done with the consent of both the parties, or it is done with the consent of the female herself, it must be punished. But still this amendment has not been passed. (Chaudhry, M.G. Ulfat, A. 2007) In vani practice marriage are done without the consent of girl so it is also violate the Hudood ordinance section 6 in which force marriage under this practice need to protection of law, because it is illegal. (Hashmi, A. Koukab, 2004) Vani practice is done mostly as child marriage which is prohibited in Islam and all over the world laws. According to UN Convention in which child marriage are prohibited under Rights of Child in article 2. At the same according to Muslim Family Law Ordinance, that at the time of marriage the girl must have reach at the age of 16 and a boy must reached at the age of 18, and both proper consent taken before marriage. According to Punishment for Parent or Guardian Concerned in a Child Marriage Section 6. If any persons promote the child marriage in any case or in any way shall be punished minimum 1 month or with fine which extends to one thousand rupees or with both. But vani mostly girls given over are below the age of 18 which is in conflict with these law and convention. . (Ebrahim, Z. 2009). Government takes initiative against vani, Like Human Rights Commission of Pakistan and different NGOs are working against the custom of vani. The Supreme Court of Pakistan has also taken action of forced marriages in different areas of parts of Sindh, Punjab and N.W.F.P. National Judicial Policy making Committee in a meeting announced that vani is unislamic practice and it must be punished.( Minallah, S. (2007). In 2004 Pervez Musharraf, Pakistans ex- president, passed law against vani during visit by the US president, George Bush. But it didnt implement because of laws limited influence in rural areas. In rural area feudal system is so strong so only 15 vani cases have been tried under the new law in Mianwali. (à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. There are several cultural factors which become the reasons of violence against women in Pakistan. Patriarchal society, misinterpretation of Islam, and cruel practices in culture are major cause of low women status. Women are considering as object and property. Vani practice is one of the major customary practices which become vital cause of women exploitation. The women pay the cost of that sin which actually they never did. The only sin of women is that she had the blood relation with sinner or criminal. Because of this her whole life are exploited. (Jehanzeb, 2004). If girl married as vani and went to enemy house then there is no place in society. They are treated by their new families without any kindness. Even parents of vani victims are mistreat with her after marriage and not value her sacrificing. They have no place in either home or in-laws. The innocent girls are suffering forever in an environment of opposition Due to psychological trauma it difficult to handle the stressful demand of their husband, children and in-laws. (Jehanzeb, 2004). Vani is considered an evil tradition and sever punishment, especially by the feminists because the main victim is the innocent and wordless girl who sacrifices for the sake of her brothers and parents. It is a cruel behavior towards females because women bear the punishment of that crime which she never committed. (à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. According to the annual report of Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (2003), Vani is like of death punishment for victim women. Although they are not physically killed, but the humiliation, abuses and misery which they face in her husband home is terrible punishment which she faces in her whole life. Women face this for that crime which she never did. (p.56) Vani girl is just like a slave in their house, because she comes from the enemys family. The Taunts, curses and violence become the fate of vani women in everyday life, because she has blood relation with that person who killed their loved one. She is a continuously reminder in the in-laws of the death of their loved one. They try to give pain to the girl and her family members. (Ullah Khan, Z. 2006) This custom is like announcement of death sentence for girls, because she knows that she has to live in unwelcoming and miserable scenario till the end of her life. She must lives in aggressive situation and she will never be happy there, because there no one love and care about her. Everyone abuse and taunt her, because she has blood relation with sinner. (Ebrahim, 2006). Vani whether is used properly or is misused, is against the norms of human rights. The vani girl has to bear psychological and mental torture till the end of her life. That girl will have to live in an unsympathetic situation and she will never be happy over there. The innocent girl never understands the cause of pain upon her. Her body, mind and soul would traumatize till she dies. They have to face terrible cost of that decision. (Khan, 2009). Violence against women is not only brings physical injuries, psychological impacts of violence become the cause of pressure on their power of thinking and behaving. This violence leaves a long lasted trauma which with no proper healing. (Babur Udin, Z . 2007). Because of vani women life becomes miserable. So being a mother miserable condition and lack of security makes children turn into indirect victims. Apart from the women suffering problems with self-esteem, their children face severe emotional and behavioral problems growing up with the traumatic. (Jehanzeb, 2004). Violence against women is not only about women violence on sex, or about conflict. It is about control, their mobility, their access to material resources and their both productive and reproductive role (Heise, Ellsberg and Gottemoeller( 1992) highlight:p.2) In patriarchal society women has low status, because man considered as personal properties which control every aspect of lives of women including their life style, behavior and movements etc. Men make the decisions, and women pressurize to follow those decisions in family, tribe, community and society. Because of male dominating society women consider minority in society. (Hassan, 1995).In many tribal areas, women are even not considered as human beings. She is cattle or personal property which used for trade or to settle debts or conflicts. These types of practices become women low status in society. (Shaheed, 1990). In our society women are face discrimination and violence on a daily life, due to the cultural and religious norms and belief. In our society the concept of Char Divari, a term translated literally to mean the four walls of the house restricted women mobility. (Shaheed, F. ghazdar, A.1998) According to social norm women restricted in her father and brother home and after marriage the live in husbands home. There is no other option for her. In the society the proverb like ( aurat baap k ghar ko chorti hai dole mai or shohar k ghar ko coffin mai) mean women leave father home in bridal palanquin and that of their husbands only in coffin. These types of social norms restricted women mobility. She faces psychological and physical violence but never dare to leave it.( shaheed,F. ghazdar,A.1998) In vani practice at the time of departure no brides are made in proper way and when she leave the father home that time their relative and parents weep bitterly because they know that now her mobility is restricted. Even she never allows coming parents home expect particular occasion. (Salamat, R. 2007). In our society women continuously become the victims of this senseless violence. The hounor of family associated with women. Through out life it is internalized on her in socialization that family hounor are linked with her action. Women spend whole life in submission and fear that she doesnt do any thing which becomes the result of family dishonored in society. (Shaheed, F. ghazdar, A.1998) All her life she faces threats. She accepts all kind of violence for the sake of father, brother, or husband hounor and actually these relation makes women lives more miserable. So through out whole life women have pressure to safe the hounor of male and family in society. In vani same women has social pressure to safe the life and hounor of his male member of family. For the sake of his family so-called honour she spend whole life in hell (Babur Udin, Z. 2007) According to Human rights lawyer Hina Jilani (1998, p.143), women protection in the name of family honour from immoral activities is done for the sake of social morality actually is the oppression of basic human rights of women. Gender-based violence included physical, psychological violence on women, which is done by her husband or by another person family. Physical violence includes torture beating burning and murdering of woman. Psychological violence includes verbal aggression, humiliation, abuse, taunt etc. (International Planned Parenthood Federation (2000). When vani women went husband home where she face physical violence like beating, torture of husband or other family member and also psychological violence like curses, abuse, taunt then how her life are secured. This violence has no limitation, women face it till death. (U, Ubaid. K, Ullah, Zia. F, Aliya. 2006)

Monday, August 19, 2019

Present Evolution of the Protestant Church :: essays research papers

Present Evolution of the Protestant Church   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Unfortunately, I was not able find someone to interview on the changes of the Catholic church since the meeting of the Council of II Vatican, so I had to substitute for someone who is equally wise about changes within the Protestant church over the past fifty years. The person whom I asked is my aunt who is 54 years old recollects church membership since the age of 6, so I trust her as a viable source.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Politics in the Protestant church have changed tremendously in the last fifty years† says my aunt. Most apparent to her was the increase in women’s leadership. You now see women pastors, assistant pastors, deacons and so forth. She says that the church was once an organization that was known for being called â€Å"The Good Old Boys’ Club†, but now it’s the â€Å"Good Old Boys’ and Girls’ club. She is a Minister of Music, so she gets to go a lot of different places (inside and outside of the country) to observe these things. She says that churches have become â€Å"growingly woman and gay friendly.† She once attended a church by the name of The Open Door whose services were particularly dedicated to ‘sharing God’ with those other than heterosexual without singling them out, but accepting who they are and making the church a community for them outside of their condemned community for by thei r sexual preferences.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  More changes that she has noticed are in the services. She notices a more culturally blended congregation where in the past, if at all, that would be hard to find. Along with that she notices a growing variety of worship styles, including the style of music played, sung, or listened to, and how it is sung or played. She also says that churches are becoming increasingly accepting to open-denominational worship and fellowship. She believes that eventually the church will ultimately form one in seeking the Lord. To add to the details about the music, praise and worship services have become an essential part of the service. Particularly in African- American churches, praise and worship service may last from anywhere from fifteen minutes to an hour, drawing out services anywhere from an hour and a half to two hours and a half. Music along with teachings, have begun to reflect trends of the changing times. She has witnessed music going from slow traditional hymns with t he only instruments being your hands, feet, a tambourine, and possibly an organ, to more up-tempo songs, gospel music sounding like R&B, Pop, and Rap, with accompanying instruments of guitars, drums, pianos, keyboards, etc.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Essay on The Holy Bible - Role of God in the Book of Job

The Changing Role of God in the Book of Job The Book of Job shows a change in God's attitude from the beginning to the end.  At the beginning of the book, He is presented as Job's protector and defender. At the end He appears as the supreme being lecturing and preaching to Job with hostility, despite the fact that Job never cursed his name, and never did anything wrong.   Job's only question was why God had beseeched this terrible disease on him. I intend to analyze and discuss the different roles God played in the Book of Job.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As the book opens, Job is God's "pride and joy", so to speak. Job was free of sin, he "feared God and shunned evil"(1:1). God apparently thinks higher of Job than any other mortal.   This is evidenced when he tells Satan that "There is no one on Earth like him; he is blameless and upright . . ."(1:8).   When Satan questions Job's faith God allows him to test Job, as if to show off his favorite servant.   This is an almost human quality in God--pride.   Satan's test involves the total destruction of everything Job owns and lived for:  Ã‚   his children his animals, and his estate.   Everything was destroyed but his wife, and of course the Four Messengers of Misfortune.   "In all this, Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing"(1:22).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   God shows more of the human characteristic of pride when He meets with Satan again.   God is almost gloating in this brief scene.   He praises Job further and maintains that Job is loyal:   Ã‚  Have you considered my servant Job?   There is no one on   Ã‚  Earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears   Ã‚  God and shuns evil.   And he still maintains his integrity, though   Ã‚  you incited me against him to ruin him without any rea... ...tried to make sense out of something they could not possibly understand.   God's anger could have also been instigated by the assumption that Job was getting closer and closer to cursing Him.   With each step of questioning, Job's faith might have been starting to be questioned.   This would embarrass God to Satan.   The former seems to be the more obvious reason however, the later, my own observation can not be ignored.   God exhibited human qualities in the beginning, like pride, and integrity, why would this God be immune to embarrassment?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In any case, acknowledging that Job did not curse him in all of his misfortune, God once again returned to the status of Job's protector, and Job once again became God's favorite servant.   God blessed the later part of Job's life with double the fortune he had before and another ten children.   Job lived a full life.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Safety Management System

By recognizing the organization's role in accident prevention, SMSs provide to both certificate holders and the national aviation authority e. g. (CAAS): A structured means of safety risk management decision making A means of demonstrating safety management capability before system failures occur Increased confidence in risk controls though structured safety assurance processes An effective interface for knowledge sharing between regulator and certificate holder A safety promotion framework to support a sound safety culture Safety begins from both the top down and the bottom up.Everyone from the receptionist, ramp worker, pilot, manager, and CAAS Inspector has a role to perform. SMS is all about decision-making. Thus it has to be a decision-maker's tool, not a traditional safety program separate and distinct from business and operational decision making. Why do we need SMS? We are now in a position where the â€Å"common cause† accidents are diminishing in number. While it's a major success story, it's not a place to rest.When we find a cause that affects all or part of a large population of operators or other aviation participants, we can address risk through rulemaking – a risk control that applies to veryone to address risks to which everyone is exposed. There will always be some of these risks and work will continue to find them and address them. Many accidents that occur, however, are due to the unique aspects of the operating environments of individual operators of narrow segments of the aviation community.The causal factors of these accidents aren't common to everyone; they must be found and addressed with methods that are sensitive to the nuances of the individual operator's situation. One of the defining characteristics of an SMS is its emphasis on isk management [within the individual operators' environment and situation] – it's a gap filler between the common cause risk factors that are addressed by traditional regulations and th ose that are more elusive. Hypothetical Scenario Demonstrating the Need for SMS A well-designed aircraft with a history of reliable service is being prepared for a charter flight.Employees tow the aircraft from the hangar to the terminal. One employee sees wetness on the right tire as he unhooks the tow bar. However, he does not give it attention, as he is very busy and has three other aircraft to move in the ext 15 minutes. At the same time, a safety inspector is walking through the hangar when she encounters a hydraulic oil spill on the hangar floor. She notifies a Janitor to clean up the slip hazard as she leaves. While cleaning the spill, the Janitor wonders aloud where the spill came from. Afterwards, both the inspector and the Janitor continue with their respective Jobs.Meanwhile, the Chief Pilot assigns the charter flight to a new pilot with the company. While new to the company, the pilot is well trained and prepared for the flight. He is also eager to do a good Job and to i mpress the chief pilot. The chief tells him that the passengers and the aircraft are waiting at the terminal, and the new pilot has to get over there right away to keep the clients happy and on schedule. The flight requires a little more fuel, so a fuel truck is called. While the aircraft is being filled, the fueler notices a small puddle of reddish fluid under the right main landing gear.He sees the pilot walking out to the aircraft, but before he can say anything, his supervisor calls and tells him to get right over to another aircraft. Recently, the fueler was criticized by his supervisor for taking too long to finish his ork, so he quickly Jumps in his truck and drives off to the next Job without saying anything to the pilot. The pilot, wanting to make a good impression on his passengers and the chief pilot, personally escorts them to the aircraft and begins his preparation for the flight.One passenger asks him a brief question as he is on the right side of the aircraft. In a mo ment of distraction, he does not bend down to inspect the right hand main landing gear. During taxi, the pilot feels the aircraft is taking the bumps a little hard, but continues to the runway for take-off. Meanwhile, up in the tower, an air traffic controller, who appens to like this particular model of aircraft, picks up her binoculars to take a look at the taxiing aircraft. She notices a â€Å"wet spot† on the right main tire and radios the pilot.The pilot tells the controller that he probably ran over a puddle and asks for his clearance. At the destination airport, the pilot executes a perfect landing and applies the brakes. The leaking hydraulic fluid heats up and ignites. The right main landing gear is engulfed in flames. The controller notifies the pilot and then calls the crash fire rescue squad. The pilot calmly and proficiently manages the situation, successfully vacuating everyone from the aircraft without injury. The pilot and passengers watch from a safe distance while a perfectly good aircraft burns to the ground. How could this have happened? † wonders the pilot. Soon afterwards, the pilot is fired for failure to perform an adequate preflight inspection. Six months later, an aircraft is being towed out of a hanger. One of the employees sees wetness on the left main landing gear tire as he unhooks the tow bar†¦ Evolution of Safety Management Safety Management Systems (SMSs) are the product of a continuing evolution in aviation satety. Early aviation pioneers nad little satety regulation, practical experience, or engineering knowledge to guide them.

Relationship Between Hospitality and Tourism Industry

1). The relationship between Hospitality and Tourism: Tourism and hospitality go hand in hand, the hospitality industry offer services like accommodation, transportation, food and beverage, recreation and leisure. Tourism is the activity by the tourists where they engage in travelling to destinations where they want to experience recreational and leisure activities and most of the time avails of accommodation, food and beverage. The hospitality industry is the supplier of the services for tourism.The meaning of hospitality is providing a safe and enjoyable environment for patrons. It also means responsibly serving liquor, to ensure that patrons do not become unduly intoxicated and subsequently a problem for management, staff and the neighbourhood. 2). Hospitality working conditions (Chef): The Hospitality industry is a high pressure environment it entitles you to work long hours on your feet for long periods at a time, allot of chefs find it a highly rewarded career as it gives them the opportunity as it indulges in their passion.Another point to consider is that many restaurant and institutional kitchens have modern equipment, convenient work areas, and air conditioning, but many kitchens in older and smaller eating places may not as well equipped. Working conditions may depend on the type and quantity of food being prepared and the local laws governing food service operations. Workers usually must withstand the pressure and strain of working in close quarters, standing for hours at a time, lifting heavy pots and kettles, and working near hot ovens and grills. Job hazards may include slips and falls, cuts, and burns, but injuries are seldom serious. 3).Legislation that affects the Hospitality industry covering these point Liquor Health and Safety Hygiene Gaming Workplace Relations Workers Compensation Consumer Protection Trade Practises Duty of Care Building Regulations Equal Employment Opportunities Anti Discrimination ActThe Hospitality law and legislation c overs a wide range of legal issues which include contracts, hotel liability, duty of hotels toward guests, employment laws, antitrust legislation, alcohol licensing and food safety to name a few. Industries such as transportation, hotels, bars, motels and other various leisure establishments and services must comply with all laws set forth by the various governing authorities of this area of practice. The aim of the Liquor Control Act is to control the sale and consumption of alcohol, to reduce the misuse of alcohol and to promote improvements within facilities such as restaurants and hotels which serve alcohol.The Occupational Health and Safety Act is the overriding legislation that covers all workplaces and describes the general requirements that will ensure a healthy and safe workplace. It is a framework of responsibilities and outlines the duty of care that employers, employees and others have, to promote a safe and healthy work environment. The Food Hygiene, Health and Safety A ct provides food hygiene regulations for people who work in the hospitality industry it reviews the legislation which regulate hygiene, health & safety practices. The Chefs role in the safe preparation and service of food is critical and the law states that a food handler has a legal responsibility to ensure that food is maintained in a hygienic & safe manner.The Gambling Act: Tourism is one of Australia's most important industries and together with the hospitality and gaming sectors makes up a significant part of our economy. The industry is facing a raft of challenges from decreased global travel to increased regulation and workplace reform, the objective of this Act is to ensure the State and community as a whole benefit from interactive gambling. This regulation is designed to protect players and the community, ensuring games are fair, people and organisations offering interactive gambling act honestly and harm to individuals is minimised. Rehabilitation and Compensation Law: Th e law provides reliable worker’s compensation for employees not only protecting heir business from financial burden, but builds better employee relations, staff retention and improves overall productivity, this law is called the Worker’s Rehabilitation and Compensation and it was developed to make sure that when a worker is injured at work that both the worker and their employer try to get them back to work as soon as possible with minimal cost. Consumer protection Law: The consumer protection law consists of laws and organizations designed to ensure the rights of consumers as well as fair trade competition and the free flow of truthful information in the marketplace. The laws are designed to prevent businesses that engage in fraud or specified unfair practices from gaining an advantage over competitors and may provide additional protection for the weak and those unable to take care of themselves.Trade Practises Act: There is an awful lot of legislation that affects th e hospitality industry but most of it is in place to protect your rights or your customer's right the Trade Practices Act is a federal law that deals with almost all parts of the marketplace including unfair market practices, product safety, price monitoring and industry codes of practice. Its aim is to inhibit unethical practices by competitors and to give customers confidence that they are dealing with businesses that adhere to high standards. Duty of Care: Hospitality establishments need to be safe and healthy environments, whether they are food and beverage restaurants, commercial kitchens, clubs, hotels and accommodation, tourist enterprises or cafes. Employers and employees all have a shared responsibility to promote a safe secure and healthy work environment that minimises risk of harm to any person.This responsibility is called duty of care. Duty of care is a person’s obligation to prevent workplace accidents, illnesses and injuries. Equal Employment & Discrimination Act: The workforce composition in the hospitality and tourism establishments is definitely vast and diverse, it employs all types of people from all walks of life and nationalities. The Anti-discrimination and Equal Employment Act in the hospitality sector regulates the industry as it’s such a vase multicultural workforce. These acts are in place to set guide lines and rules of conduct and behaviour.The Anti-discrimination law refers to the law on the right of people to be treated equally. Some countries mandate that in employment, in consumer transactions and in political participation people must be dealt with on an equal basis regardless of sex, age, race, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity and sometimes religious and political opinions. The Equal Employment Act means equal access to jobs and benefits and services for all employees and prospective employees in the workplace. It aims to ensure fair and equitable outcomes in all areas of employment w hich relate to recruitment, selection, and access to information, supervision and management.Job Opportunities in Hostility Industry: The hospitality industry offers career paths that reflect its dynamic, often vibrant nature. There are many opportunities to start at the bottom and work your way up to management there are two main categories in which we divide the provision of services in the hospitality industry, these are back-of-house and front-of house. The ‘front-of house' type of services is usually referred to as front-line, and that's where the term ‘front-line staff' comes from. Some sectors of the industry provide the more traditional vertical career paths, such as the kitchen where it is possible to move from being an apprentice chef up through various positions to head or executive chef.Many chefs move on to become owner/operators of their own restaurants, or move into management positions in hotels. I’ve listed some different job positions in the indu stry * Front office * Housekeeping * Food and Beverage * Finance / Accounts * Human Resources * Kitchen/ Food Production * Gaming * Security * Maintenance * Waiter / Waitress * Accounts Receivable Clerk * Maintenance Officer * Customer Liaison Officer * Receptionist * TAB Attendant * Turndown Attendant * Apprentice Chef * Personnel Officer Environmental Issues that affect the industry: Tourism and Hospitality are environmentally dependent industries. Facilities and infrastructure are not enough by themselves to attract tourists.Tourism relies on both the natural and cultural environments of host communities as these provide one of the major reasons for visiting an area. A problem emerges: Tourism needs the environment to survive, and in using it so, can impact on it in such a way that the tourism opportunity is destroyed. Environment Issues of Concern Waste management: * Recycling of waste, paper, glass Energy Conservation: * Energy efficient Appliances * Timers for Heating and Air conditioning * Room keys for use of Lights * Intercontinental Hotel program Pollution: * Regular cleaning and maintenance of heating, cooling, laundry and cooking Equipment for efficient pollution-free running * Correct Disposal of oils and fats Anti Smoking legalisation( although evidence shown not being adhered to) Water Conservation: * Shower restrictors * Laundry water reclaiming units Work Ethics Excellent personal presentation: This means that if there is a uniform, you should make sure it is cleaned and well ironed and always worn neatly. If you do not have a uniform, you should still dress smartly and appropriately for your particular role to ensure you make a good impression and project a positive image of your place of work. Be able to communicate with people: In any hospitality establishment, you will come across people from all walks of life. They may speak different languages or have disabilities or just be impatient or rude.You should be able to communicate to all peop le clearly and politely at all times. Handle pressure and respond appropriately to complaints: Hospitality establishments can often be very rushed and busy and you could find yourself under a lot of pressure. This is why it is important that hospitality staff are able to work under pressure while still maintaining a professional attitude. You will also need to be able to handle complaints. You should listen to customers and handle their complaints accordingly so that they feel they are being looked after and that their business is important to your company. Work as part of a team: Following are some points which highlight what it means to be a good and effective team member.